Importance Of A Fall Furnace Tune-Up

Every year, you should perform maintenance on your heat pump. Preparing for winter requires homeowners to perform several maintenance tasks. Throughout the coldest months of the year, your furnace requires proper care and attention, especially since it is the main source of warmth. To avoid an unexpected situation, get your heat pump serviced for maintenance by a reliable heating contractor in Lynnwood, WA.

What are the Reasons For Servicing a Heat Pump?

The heat pump works almost throughout the year. Therefore, getting a heat pump serviced in the spring and fall is possibly a good idea. When it comes to heat pumps, it is best to treat them as if they are two separate systems in order to reduce wear and tear.

Due to the fact that heat pumps work continuously in winter and summer, they need to be tuned according to the season. Inspecting your heat pump before summer or winter will help you know if it can handle the heat and the cold. No heat pumps have the same components regardless of how they operate.

Only the refrigerant moves in a different direction when a heat pump switches from cooling to heating to cooling again. Heat pumps accumulate dirt and stress as they work through the summer, preventing them from working during the winter or vice versa. Inspecting and tuning up your heat pump twice a year is imperative to its efficiency.

Checking Your Heat Pump This Fall is Important for the Following Reasons:

Why you shouldn’t delay getting your inspection or heating repair in Marysville this fall:

  • Maintaining your furnace regularly will extend its life for years and result in smooth functioning. Friction can lead to a furnace’s various moving parts failing, corroding, or jamming, resulting in lower functionality and a shorter lifespan. Maintaining your furnace or the heating pump regularly can prevent this from happening.
  • With a trained professional, an expert can detect small problems in your system before they escalate into larger, more serious ones. This will make furnace repair much easier, less expensive, and more precise.
  • Having a malfunctioning heat pump can lead to increased carbon monoxide emissions, which can cause a fire in your home. Therefore, it is essential to replace carbon monoxide detector batteries from time to time. Providing proper maintenance to your heat pump is better for your family and for the heat pump.
  • Overlooking furnace maintenance could cost you considerably more than necessary to keep your house warm during the winter. A dirty furnace filter or similar other problems will make it work harder to reach the temperature set by the thermostat. Your energy bills will increase even if you don’t use your heat pump as much as usual.


Maintenance plans are beneficial for HVAC systems. In addition to extending the lifespan of your system, regular maintenance increases its efficiency, reduces energy consumption, and prevents costly repairs and replacements. We are happy to help you with your heating replacement in Marysville.

Turn to 1st Response HVAC for all your heating replacement and maintenance needs. Count on our skilled and knowledgeable technicians to inspect your furnace and entire HVAC system every year, and have us identify and fix the issue, before they become major problems.
